Insulation and Fireproofing

215 division st spray foam

Huntsman Heatlok Soya HP is the product used by Eco-Solutions Spray Foam Insulation, the benefits gained from using spray foam insulation is as follows:

  • Highest R-value – Heatlok Soya is a closed cell foam that has the highest R-Value material available, at an R7.2 when initially sprayed and maintain a R6 after 5 years.
  • Space Savings – Spray Foam Insulation takes up much less space than fibreglass or blown-in cellulose.  Its thickness depends on the R-value requested.
  • Energy Savings – With an energy efficient furnace, you can see savings of up to 40 percent or more if your house is reinsulated with spray foam


  • MOLD
  • DUST


Other Facts about Spray Foam Insulation:

  • adheres to almost any surface
  • strengthens the buildings structural integrity
  • acts as a vapour barrier
  • acts as a air barrier
  • acts as a sound barrier
  • will pay for itself in energy savings in 5 years or less
  • a sustainable insulation

Heatlok Soya 2lb closed cell foam

Closed Cell Heatlok Soya,Huntsman, Heatlok-soya HP

Technical Data Sheet Heatlok Soya

Heatlok Soya Promotional Video

  • “R” Value per inch = 6 per inch, which is the highest rating compared to other commercial insulation products
  • Acts as a Vapour Barrier and Air Barrier
  • Strengthens the buildings Integrity

monokote fireproofing spray foam

Fireproofing, Monokote z-3306 by Grace Chemicals,

Prooven test performance – economical – workable – damage resistant – Humidity resistant – washable.

Technical Data on Product

Monokote video

Image result for dc 315 thermal barrier paint logo

DC315 Thermal Barrier

DC315 is a fully tested and approved intumescent coating to meet 15 minute Thermal Barrier and Ignition Barrier protection over Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF). DC315 meets IBC/IRC codes in the USA, Canadian NBCC and many international Building Code Requirements.

Technical Data DC315

Image result for propink fiberglass insulation logoPropink Loose fill Insulation.

Canada’s No. 1 home insulation. PROPINK® PINK® FIBERGLAS® Insulation has outstanding thermal resistance for maximum energy savings

Technical Data Sheet

Propink Fiberglass Insulation Attic Card

Insulation Terms & Conditions for Installation

The following terms and conditions are to ensure that the worksite is ready for our crew to complete the job to meet expectations of our customer.  Any questions prior to installation please call 613-329-0692

  • Any installations, rather being structural or aesthetic that prohibits Eco-Solutions from installing the products to Ontario Building Code Standards are not the responsibility of this contractor.
  • Examples: Pot lights, wood or steel beams, blocked or partially blocked soffits
  • Warranty does not extend to finished interior or finished exterior surfaces.


  • Ensure clear access for parking truck and trailer directly in front of property
  • Ensure clear access for hoses and equipment to be off loaded safely, and placed without damaging. (ie. Vehicles to not run over hoses and equipment, safely cross sidewalks)

CAN/ULC S705.2

  • The customer must provide the means to achieve 0.3 air exchanges per hour (ACH) in the installation area for a period of 24 hours, if this cannot be achieved then we recommend the customer vacate the premises for a 24-hour period while the foam cures (foam off gasses carbon dioxide while curing).
  • Anyone with a sensitivity to strong odours, asthma, or allergies, we recommend those with these symptoms not be in the residence during installation. We also recommend to make alternate arrangements for children for the day.  Pets should be in an area away from install area.

Preparation of areas of Install

  • Clear access to all areas to be insulated
  • Eco-Solutions will not be liable for any damage incurred when moving around clients possessions, ie movable ceiling tiles or exterior siding


  • Require clear access to the attic hatch
  • Clothes, shoes, and shelving must be removed if attic hatch is in closet
  • Ensure that all items in the room of the attic hatch is covered with poly sheathing or tarps. (during installation, dust and particles is unavoidable)
  • If vermiculite is detected, the work will not continue until asbestos testing is completed, a charge of $100.00 per sample, a minimum of 3 samples from 3 different areas are recommended to provide accurate readings for asbestos.

Spray Foam Installation

  • A minimum of 5’ clear access from the surface to be installed.
  • Items left in the room must be covered by poly drop sheets or tarps to protect from overspray.
  • Isolate the spray area or room, close off any vents or cold air returns to prevent odour or mist.
  • Spray foam is subject to a tolerance of +/- 1/4 inch from which the quote, contract or work order was presented.

Fireproofing/Thermal Barrier

  • Require clear access to a water source or hook up.
  • Ventilation of dehumidification should be provided in the area of work until the product is dry.
  • Temperature sensitive – weather dependant
  • Drying time varies depending on temperature and humidity